The Importance of “Me Time”

I hope this finds you all well..I wanted to touch on a topic that I felt is important to so many.  Like most other women, self-care and “me time” is a very, VERY rare thing.  But studies will show (and husbands will agree) that self-care is an essential part of overall health and happiness.  For each person “me time” means something completely different.  As many of you can attest, August was a cluster of a month.  It left me feeling drained, depressed and defeated.  I needed something to boost my morale; so I decided to set a personal goal.  

I wanted to choose something that would make me proud to complete and also would push me, but yet be attainable.   So I set my goal to run 50 miles during September.  To some this may seem like a very minimal, maybe even pointless, goal.  To me, it was a very important challenge.  You see, running to me is like shopping or getting a pedicure is for others.  It is therapeutic and enjoyable.  I work an intense full-time job as a teacher, a part-time job managing over 20 head of livestock and as a photographer, we are building a house, and I take care of my family, and try to maintain friendships and a healthy lifestyle…This goal for me fell more in line with “far-fetched”.

Due to the Hurricane Harvey, work and family commitments I was not able to find time to run even my first mile until September 6 which already put me at a late start and feeling reluctant. Do I give up?  Heck no!  Momma didn’t raise a quitter!  I’m both hardhead and competitive!  So with the support of my husband and family, I’m proud to say that I was able to run 54 miles in the month of September. Even more exciting is that I was able to round out the month by completing my second Tough Mudder on September 30th with my closest friends!

Set a Goal for Self-Care

I felt it was important to talk about this goal.  We, as women, need to know that it is Okay and NECESSARY to schedule “me time” in our lives.  How are we able to truly give all of ourselves to our families, jobs and friends if we can’t even give it to ourselves? While socializing with friends and other loved ones is also an essential part of living a healthy, happy life, it’s also essential to make time to simply be “with yourself.” Giving yourself love and self-care doesn’t necessarily have to mean being at the gym or sleeping.  “Me time” is time to just be, recharge and reset.

My hope for each of you would make a goal.  Challenge yourself but keep it attainable!

PS- In the featured image I am wearing the Flashdance Dress from cabi Clothing.  AKA the best dress EVER!

With Love,

Brittany H.

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A Little About Ellen

Ellen Caldwell, personal stylist in HoustonEllen was chosen as a top personal stylist in Houston, Texas by CBS Houston! I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Houston Baptist University with degrees in Finance and Business Administration.

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